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What Our Clients Are Saying...


"A win, win, win course, smashing! I bought myself a ticket to the world."

— Jennifer


"Thanks to you wonderful people, I was able to travel to China and bring home my new baby daughter, Dulce. I could never have done it without you and the Clinic."

— Laura


"I spent a total of 27 hours in the air, traveled over 13,000 miles. All the skills and knowledge I acquired from the Clinic really helped me. I feel better about myself and have already benefitted professionally as a result of being able to fly again ... all the members of the staff have helped me tremendously."

— Nelson


"I can't believe that I now make plans to go places I had shut completely out of my life before. It's wonderful. Thanks for helping me to open up the world again."

— Margo


"I took the Fear of Flying Clinic over 20 years ago and have been flying ever since. Prior to taking the clinic I was in recovery from panic disorder and still had a fear of flying. The clinic was great. It gave me information I could hold on to—like statistics and comments directly from pilots in answer to my specific concerns. And it gave me tools to use—breathing techniques to use in flight, and it taught me about things not to do that only served to make my fears worse. The people running the clinic are fantastic. Caring, skilled, and knowledgeable, and the information that I gained about all aspects of aviation is something most people never get to experience. But most important of all, I fly now and have flown all over the world, calmly and without fear. The clinic without a doubt changed my life and for that I am forever grateful to the founders, teachers and volunteers of this great organization."

— Tobe B.

"It warms my heart to see such a dedicated group of kind human beings volunteering their time and hard work to help us conquer our fear."

— Marie

"I'm happy to report that the flight was a success!  I was anxious during takeoff, but it lasted less than a minute or two.  The breathing exercises really helped.  The rest of the flight was uneventful for me and I  even was able to get up and walk abou the cabin a few times.  You have no idea how big this is for me.  I'm not cured by any stretch, but me and my wife are eternally greatful.  I got my freedom back again and it's all thanks to you and the program"


"My world has been extended.  Rational thinking has been helpful in other situations too (i.e. going up the elevator of the Eiffel Tower, a thrilling experience)"


"Neither rain, turbulence or lightning strikes are able to deter me from flying now"


"After a flight I am always pleased to have done well.  The clinic taughte me to celebrate my success.  The clinic has given me somehting absolutely invaluable, which has touched other areas of my life: the courage to face a fear, the knowledge that "I can"-it has given me the physical freedome which has broadened my horizons, Thank you"


"If it were not for the clinic, I would probably never have flown again.  The clinic is great.  It was interesting, intense, fascinating, never boring and I enjoyed every moment"


Fear of Flying Clinic • P.O. Box 2194 • Santa Clara, CA 95055 // Office: 650.341.1595 // Email: //

We are located in the San Francisco Bay Area in California // FOFC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Please consider donating today!

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