A Non-Profit Support Organization, Soaring Since 1976
Ways To Get Involved With FOFC
On our FOFC evaluation forms handed out at the conclusion of every class, we ask clients if they would like to volunteer for FOFC. Many graciously say “yes!” and we are so thankful for their support! Here are some specific ways you can give back to FOFC:
Consider making a donation to help offset the cost for others through our scholarship program
Be an ambassador of FOFCs work by helping to spread the word; post on your social media, or simply refer family and friends
Keep in touch with the clinic by sending us an email update or a postcard of your latest travel adventure
Consider joining the Board of Directors
Become a volunteer: add your name to the on-call list for our moderator, client speaker, or graduation flight support person roles
For more information about those roles, click HERE
If interested in volunteering, please email volunteer@fofc.com. A board member will get in touch with you as soon possible. Keep in mind that the time around class offerings is busy, so it might take a couple extra days.
Many thanks for your interest in volunteering for FOFC. Our operations would not be sustainable without
your generous donations of time and financial contributions. Thank you for being a part of our community.